About this blog: The main purpose of this space is to host class-related blogging assignments, as I work toward an MSLIS.  If I have other blog-length thoughts about libraryland, they might end up here too.

About me: I’m the team coordinator of the circulation department at a small liberal arts college library, which means: I direct a large group of diverse and enthusiastic student workers who challenge and inspire me; I collaborate daily with a handful of smart and witty circ coworkers whose library experience far outstrips my own; and I get to share projects and ideas with a whole passel of other cool people who also work for the library.  Lucky me!  Besides working at the library and studying library-related stuff,  I also hang out online talking to my library-loving friends about libraries (and whatever else catches our fancy).

Miscellanea: I love to read books and do needlework and play games and watch tv shows and try new things.    I grew up on the east coast of Canada, and spent three formative years in Montreal.  As an undergraduate, I studied biology, with a smattering of religion, philosophy, and history to round things out.  I have four cats.  I’ve been married to the same wonderful and patient bloke since 1998; I met him online in 1995.  I walk a lot.

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